
Online Piano Lessons are Better Than Traditional Lessons. This is Why. 


First of all, I need to let you know that I have been teaching piano for over 30 years. I don't normally like to brag on myself, but to add credibility to my statements, I have had many happy students, and never a parent complaint. 

Technology is changing everything, including the way we work, play, and learn, and that's not necessarily a bad thing! Learning to play piano online is a great way to go. Here are four reasons why.

Saving Money

1. Cost

Let's face it, we live in a money driven world. That doesn't mean we can't find great deals. Traditional lessons can be very costly, especially when you figure in the travel expenses, the music books, and most teachers will charge for missed lessons. I have had students fake sickness because they hadn't practiced and were not prepared. They still paid me for my time and availability. 

I am dedicated to helping families get affordable music training into their homes, and that's why I developed "Marie's Online Music Course" (also known as 'The $5 Piano Lesson.') Each lesson is just $5.00 and includes PDF's and a full-length video lesson. You buy the lessons one-at-a-time, and there is no contract or obligation to buy any more. Once you own the lesson, your entire household can learn from it. There are no books to buy. You can print out the PDF's or just view them on your device. 

If you previously had piano lessons, you don't need to buy every lesson. Simply scroll through the titles until you come to something you are not familiar with, and start there. Purchase a new lesson only after mastering your current one. 

2. Convenience

With traditional piano lessons, it's is necessary to find a nearby teacher, fit into their schedule, get dressed, and travel to their studio. Online lessons allow you the freedom to learn when you want, where you want, and how you want.....even if that means 2:00 a.m. in the bedroom in your pajamas! There is no travel involved and no schedule to keep. 

3. Repetition

I can't tell you how many times I have explained something to my students, demonstrated it, had them try it, wrote notes in their notebook or music book, and sent them home to practice, only to have them return the following week and they have forgotten everything we worked on. One big reason is lack of or procrastinated practice, Whatever the excuse, the previous lessons was wasted, and all must be repeated. 

Online lesson videos allow you to replay the lesson as often as you need, letting you focus on every detail. They are filmed in such a way that you can envision me sitting beside you, giving clear instructions and reminding you what things are important. You can eliminate forgetting and get on with learning and doing. We all know that the more we try something, the better we remember and the better we do. 

4. Independence and Confidence

Online piano lessons are great for those who are shy and or very independent. Often, shy students will practice diligently and master their lessons only to fall apart when performing for the teacher. It has happened to me. Sometimes these students are very critical of themselves, and feel they are not good enough. They have difficulties taking constructive criticism. Learning by themselves gives these students the opportunity to evaluate their own progress and set realistic goals for themselves. 

Raise you hand if you like a boss or co-worker looking over your shoulder all the time, making sure you do everything right.....I didn't think so. Some students are like that. They want a little help, but then they want the teacher to get out of the way and let them run with it. "Marie's Online Piano Course" allows each student to be their own 'boss' and determine if they are playing as shown on the video. That annoying person behind them doesn't exist. 

For these reasons online piano lessons are better than traditional lessons. Are you ready to try? If so, click here to see the lessons and get started today. 

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